"A Gray man is one who experienced the depth of loneliness and the height of happiness." -- This is a statement I heard from my professor who was also a practicing lawyer which bestowed him the everlasting impression of his legendary literary professor and a flat 1.0 in his report card for two semesters. He answered it not with rationalization but by using resourcefulness as he have heard it while walking on the corridor from the babbling students who belong to his professor's prior class.
Two colossal figures, the storyteller and his professor who was included in the story motivates me to wonder about the gray man. Why is it called as it is? Why is it named like that? Where is its derivation? The answer is... color primarily, but among the shades and hues why is it the one used as metaphor. Having that very powerful description, Why is it represented by an unattractive chrome?
And here's the product of my reflection.. (which maybe called also as realization)
Gray is a color. As dull as it looks but it is the product of two chroma, the Black and the White. These two chroma are the extremes of all colors, white being the purest and black as the darkest.
So, it would take one to experience the extremes of life to become a Gray man.
Might be the reason why this color is not favored frequently because being a gray man is truly extraordinary and it would took a deep sense of understanding to appreciate this color.