Monday, July 2, 2007

Realizing the Media

I realize now how influential and powerful the media is.
This system can unite people and build bridges, yet it can make gaps.
Though it has many benefits, somehow it can be harmful.
It can manipulate people's thoughts and spread news in a flash.
This is why media has to be credible and accessible.
For one careless mistake, it can affect the whole society.
Media should be used to educate, entertain and inform,
not to be abused and bring others in misery and adversity.
So, we should have a proper discipline and critical thinking
to control ourselves and not to be controlled by the media.
We shouldn't blame all the consequences to the media for we are the one who
should be responsible for ourselves and our loved ones.
Being in the media is not that simple because you should always be at the side of
justice and you have to consider the proper standards.

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