Sunday, August 5, 2007

Information Revolution

Living in today's generation is very convenient. We can access to different kinds of entertainment in just a click or a single snap. The advancement and the continuous development of technology brings us more enjoyment and fascination in life.
Today, entertainment is everywhere. We can be entertained anytime, either indoors or outdoors. We can easily enjoy watching television, listening to the radio or playing computer games. Even inside a vehicle while we are driving or just riding, the presence of entertainment is never gone and still there, we can tune in to various radio stations or if we are more fortunate, we can even watch movies or play 3D games. Plus, the so-long wait for the box office hits and grammy award winning movies has come to an end due to the existence of the much affordable 12 in 1 DVD's in the Quiapo market and leading stores in Recto. The search also for our typical and ideal music is not a big problem anymore for we can instantly download it on the internet.
How fortunate and how lucky we are living in this kind of civilization today. I can't imagine living in th 4th information revolution era. During that time, life is dull and boring compared today which is more colorful and flamboyant. The approach to entertainment is not that accessible for everyone. It's like surviving in the midst of the jungle. However, I admire them for enjoying a simple and challenging life. That's why I'm very thankful and grateful to those idealistic, industrious and perseverant inventors who never stop improving concepts and dedicating their lives for the betterment of the lives in the future.

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